Meet the team… Sister Maureen O’Driscoll

We catch up with Sister Maureen O'Driscoll, Senior Nurse, Francis House Families Ltd

What is your background?

I’m a religious sister (Franciscan Missionary) and a nurse. I grew up in Manchester and trained in Manchester hospitals. I’ve been part of the Francis House team since the beginning in 1990/91. The main hospice building was originally our convent. I remember Sr. Aloysius saying “… we are thinking of starting a Children’s Hospice, and using this building…”

What does your role involve?

Francis House Families provides residential care for young adults with life-limiting conditions. My role involves direct nursing care, ensuring the medical needs are covered, attending hospital appointments, liaising with other health care professionals, staff training and administration.

What are you most proud of?

I think we can all be proud of the way the hospice as evolved over the years in response to the needs of the children and families. We can be so proud of all the people who have made this possible. I remember answering the door to a young girl who “wanted to give her Christmas money to help the sick children…” One of many “friends in a million”. I’m especially proud of the way we welcome children and families of “all faiths and none”. We respect their beliefs and provide for their customs. In any religion / culture the love of a parent for a child is tangible. We are privileged to witness this so often.

What is the best thing that happened to you this week?

Lots of fun things! Our young residents are such good company and we laugh a lot together.

What’s your secret talent?

When I was younger, I did Irish Dancing. Even now, if I hear Ceili music, I’ll be up dancing again – usually to the embarrassment of my family!

Sister Maureen seated with Kyle in the garden at 463

Sister Maureen with Kyle at 463, a home for life for young people with life-limiting conditions.


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