Tributes to Sister Austin FMSJ

It is our sad duty to report that Sister Austin died on Tuesday 19th February 2019 at the Franciscan Convent, Blackburn.

Sister Austin

Sister Austin has played a major role in the inception, building and operation of Francis House and continued to work until late 2018 when her health began to deteriorate.

Sister is known so well to thousands of people around the North West.  Tireless in her work but always the voice of reason and moderation.

She has lived her deep faith, following her vocation to help those in greatest need in the name of Christ.

Her attitude to life is epitomized in the prayer of St. Francis.

“Make me a channel of Your peace.

Where there is hatred let me bring Your love,

Where there is injury Your pardon Lord,

And where there’s doubt, true faith in you.”

Sister Austin has been a faithful servant of Christ and will now be enjoying a richer and fuller life.

Our thoughts and prayers are with her sister Barbara and her wider family and with her sisters in Christ, the Franciscan Missionaries of St. Joseph.

Memorial Service

A Memorial Service will be held at East Didsbury Methodist Church, Parrs Wood Road, M20 5QQ on Friday 1st March 2019 at 2 pm.

Read the Obituary for Sister Austin Cairns, FMSJ on the Franciscan Missionaries of St. Joseph website here.


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