End of Life Care and Symptom Control
We are experienced in talking to families about end of life care.
Symptom control
Symptom control is a high priority, and the Hospice has a clinical team who are experienced in palliative, end of life care and the associated symptoms which may occur.
The team are able to liaise with the young person’s consultant if appropriate.
Additional support is available for the parents and siblings and we will endeavour to accommodate the family’s wishes and needs at this difficult time.
Families who wish their child to remain at home as they approach the end of their life can be supported by the Homecare team alongside other services. There is always a Registered Nurse on duty at Francis House. Doctors are on call to give telephone support 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
End of life care
We work closely with other professionals involved in the care of the child or young person according to the individual preferences of the families and young adults.
The care for a child or young person at the end of their life is centred on comfort, quality of care and death with dignity.
Rainbow rooms
There are three Rainbow Rooms which are specially cooled rooms and allow the young person to remain at the Hospice after death, and until the funeral, according to family’s wishes.
Families can chose to personalise the rooms with favourite toys, bedding and photographs.
Adjoining the Rainbow Rooms are comfortable lounges giving the family space and privacy – allowing them time to say their goodbyes.
The family are able to make their funeral arrangements with support from the care team if needed. Extended family members are also able to come and be with them.
Children or young people who have died at home or in hospital are also able to use the Rainbow Rooms and access the ongoing bereavement support from Francis House.
“Spending time at Francis House (after Oliver had died) just gave us that little bit of breathing space that we needed. I don't know anybody else who's been in our position burying a child. You need the help. They've been through this process so many times, and they just know what to say.”
Darren Brockbank