Homecare is provided by a team of experienced Registered Nurses and Carers who also work on the care team at the hospice.
The Homecare team are the first team from Francis House that families meet. They go to the family’s home to visit following acceptance of a referral.
After this initial visit the homecare team are able to facilitate:
- Some additional respite for children/young people either at home or in the Hospice when a crisis occurs within the family.
- Support children and young people during either acute or long term admissions to hospital.
- Support children and young people at home when receiving end of life care.
- Attend relevant review meetings.
"If we didn’t have the homecare support from Francis House life would be a lot more stressful and difficult. To just do everyday things would be a lot more challenging. It’s hard enough as it is with the help, without the help I don’t know how we would cope."
Sam, Tehyah's mum
How homecare helps
Homecare is a big help to parents Sam and Aaron. Their daughter Tehyah, 11, suffered a series of mini-strokes aged three-and-a-half and requires round the clock care.
Aaron says: “When Tehyah first came home after being in hospital she was given two weeks to live, the homecare team came to see us and sit with Tehyah and talk with us, helping us through a very traumatic time.”
With a busy household of three other siblings, homecare has continued to help the family at times of crisis as well as enabling shopping trips, appointments or simply being able to go out of the house for a few hours while Tehyah is cared for.
Alison Pyle, Homecare Coordinator of Francis House says: “When a new family is referred to Francis House, the homecare team are the first people to contact them. We’ll do a home visit, talk to them about their needs, tell them about all the ways that we can support them at Francis House and invite them to come and look round the hospice when they are ready.”
“We help families in between their respite stays to make sure they receive the support that they need throughout the whole year."
Alison Pyle, Francis House Nurse and Homecare Coordinator