Parental support

Listening and talking are known to be a valuable way of providing support.

"Francis House don’t just offer support for Henry, but for myself as well. I think sometimes as parents we do forget about ourselves, so it is nice to know that Francis House is there for me. If I just need to talk to someone they are there for you."

Laura Stinton - Henry's mum

Francis House provides care for the whole family.

The Hospice movement was founded on a belief in holistic care – physical, emotional and spiritual.

When parents stay at Francis House they have the opportunity to talk to the care team daily, not just about the physical aspects of care for their children, but also how life is for them.


Parents will meet other parents at the hospice and strike up friendships. Often they are able to offer both practical advice and emotional support to each other.


Two mums dressed as superheroes at Francis House

Friendships built among parents at Francis House

Parent Evenings

Parent Evenings are organised as social events with good food and entertainment. These are an opportunity to make new friendships, provide mutual support and talk to Senior staff in an informal relaxed environment.

Parents making chocolates at Francis House

Parent evening making chocolates at Francis House