Give a gift in memory
Celebrate the life of a loved one by making a donation in their memory to Francis House.

In memory donations
By choosing to remember someone special you can help Francis House to continue to provide much needed care and support to families of children and young adults with life-limiting conditions.
Prior to the funeral the funeral director may ask if you would like to make a donation to charity. Donations can then be collected from the funeral service, or in lieu of flowers, or you can make a one-off donation in the name of the person you wish to remember.
Donation envelopes and house boxes can be provided for a funeral from our fundraising team by calling 0161 443 2200.
Cheques made payable to ‘Francis House Children’s Hospice’ can be sent to us or handed in to the Fundraising office.
We are very touched and grateful to receive in memory donations and we will send you a letter of thanks and offer our condolences, we will also let you know how the money will be used to benefit the families that rely on Francis House.
How to get your In Memory donation to usRemember a loved one at Christmas
Memory Lights
Each year at Christmas, we remember those we have lost.
You are invited to sponsor a light on the Christmas Tree at Francis House in memory of your loved ones. Their names will be entered in the Book of Memories which will be on view in the Francis House reception during the Christmas period.
Sponsor a lightVirtual Memory Lights
You are invited to dedicate a light on our virtual Christmas Tree in memory of a special person. By choosing to remember someone special, you can help Francis House to continue to provide much needed care and support to the families of children and young adults with life-limiting conditions.
Once you’ve made your dedication it will be public and you can share it online with family and friends.
Dedicate a Virtual Light