Our branded merchandise or your own items - selling goods to support Francis House.

Marple Bridge Senior Citizens held their own craft sale.
Master of Merchandise
We have lots of Francis House branded goodies that you can sell on our behalf. Visit our online shop to see what’s available and get in touch with the fundraising team to organise collecting some items to sell.
Out with the old
Is it time for a clear out? See what you can get for your old unwanted stuff at car boot or jumble sales. For larger or more valuable items like furniture, you could think about setting up an eBay page and donating the proceeds.
Nothing to sell?
How about an auction of promises? Think about what services or gestures of goodwill you could provide, and ask your personal or local contacts what they’d be willing to offer too. This could be anything from mowing a lawn to being someone’s personal assistant for the day. Then invite people to bid for the privilege, either online or as part of an event.
Raise the stakes
For events like the World Cup, Grand National and Eurovision Song Contest, set up a sweepstake and get everyone involved in the fun of the competition! You could give half the takings to the winner and the rest to Francis House.
Tuck in!
Sweets and treats can be bought in bulk really cheaply and sold on to make a significant profit. Would your workplace or community group allow you to set up a weekly tuck shop, with the proceeds going to charity

Rachael and Matthew from Heald Green, sold sweets and Easter chicks at their local swimming baths raising £840!